No one is fully prepared for the exhaustion that accompanies parenthood. It is the only job that is 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Keeping up with the physical and emotional needs of a child can drain ANY parent.
When bedtime feels like a lifetime away, and you need a way to conquer the day with your kiddo, it's time to explore creative ways to boost your energy. Here are judgment-free ideas on how to make days with your child a little better.
Incorporate Cordyceps Mushrooms Into Your Daily Routine
For more energy or focus, Green Roads nootropics are mom and dad’s new best friend.
Cordyceps mushrooms already have a following amongst athletes, and any parent can tell you that raising children is a full-contact, cardio-heavy sport. According to various studies, this helpful little mushroom can boost energy by helping your body use oxygen more efficiently and increasing blood flow. This translates to added pep in your step and mental clarity on those long (so, so long) days when your little ones won't wind down. And with Energy & Endurance capsules, you won’t experience those caffeine-induced restless nights that turn into a vicious cycle. These capsules don’t have caffeine like so many “energy options”.
Coffee is every parent’s best friend… until it’s not. Per Sleep Foundation, going overboard with caffeine can backfire by negatively impacting your night's sleep. Additionally, coffee can be dehydrating and cause that dreaded caffeine crash in the afternoon.
Find Your Happy Place with CBD
Luckily, no matter what your schedule looks like, you can always find time for a CBD break. Green Roads offers various stress-relieving, relaxation CBD products, like Relax Bear Gummies. Finding your happy place can be a difficult task on the most exhausting parenting days, but Green Roads offers pharmacist-formulated products that make it as easy as possible.
Eat Several Small Meals a Day
As a parent, you may struggle to find time to eat adequate meals, but your body needs a lot more than your toddler’s discarded sandwich crusts to function optimally throughout the day.
According to Prevention, skipping meals causes your blood glucose to drop, which brings down your energy levels right along with it.
Aim to eat small, frequent meals rich in unrefined carbs, fiber, and lean protein – which, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is the best formula for fighting the effects of sleep deprivation and parental burnout.
Squeeze in a Workout - Even 10 Minutes
Can Do The Trick!
After a morning chasing your children around the park, then carrying them home despite their sincere promise to scooter the whole way, a workout is probably the last thing you want to do.
However, according to Harvard Medical School, exercising increases oxygen circulation within your body and creates more mitochondria – known as the powerhouse – inside your muscle cells. Oxygen circulation + more mitochondria helps to increase your overall energy, which means you can make it to bedtime in one piece. Whether you do a HIIT workout video during nap time or putting your kiddos in the jogging stroller for a few laps around the neighborhood, your body will thank you.
Drink More Water
When your eyes are getting heavy, and your feet are dragging from PFS (Parent Fatigue Syndrome), water might not be the first “energy drink” that comes to mind — but maybe it should be!
According to the Sleep Foundation, dehydration can lead to feelings of extreme fatigue and lethargy, along with a host of other uncomfortable things like headaches and muscle cramps.
When you throw granola bars and baby wipes into your bag before an outing, don’t forget to toss in a reusable water bottle for yourself. If you find your eyelids getting heavy during the mid-afternoon, pour yourself a glass of ice water – you'll be surprised at how much it helps.
Rest at Night with Help from Green Roads' Sleep Line
The sun is down, the kids are tucked in, and finally, there is nothing but sweet, blissful silence. So, naturally, this is when your brain goes haywire, and you toss, turn, and overthink until 2 a.m. Sound familiar? If you don’t get quality rest tonight, there’s a good chance your child will drain your energy tomorrow.
We’ve outlined all the tips and tricks you need to create your perfect evening routine, and it’s not complete without Green Roads’ melatonin-infused CBD sleep products. Melatonin has natural sedating effects that will help you fall asleep and stay asleep. Combine melatonin with CBD, which may help you manage stress, and you’ve got the perfect mix for relaxing, getting a restorative night’s sleep, and recovering from burnout.
It takes a village — and the right self-care techniques — to raise a child.
Support yourself by exploring Green Road nootropics and CBD products online or at nearby CBD retailers.