8 Ways to Get More Energy in Winter for a Stronger You All Season
The winter brings longer nights and shorter days. All that extra time for sleep and rest should leave you with more energy to do what you love. So why do you feel so tired?
The winter blues are real! Our sleep cycles are disrupted, our eating habits change, we spend less time outside, and it all contributes to feeling fatigued. Luckily, there are some easy and concrete things that you can do to boost your endurance and have more energy in the winter.
1. Try Green Roads' Cordyceps Capsules
When your energy starts to dip throughout the day, Green Roads Energy & Endurance capsules with Cordyceps mushrooms make for an excellent afternoon pick-me-up. Whether you're spending long hours at your desk or are halfway through a stressful work day, you'll gain the extra boost of energy you need to conquer those winter blues.
With a balanced blend of cordyceps mushrooms, Vitamin B12, and L-tyrosine, this product can help you gain the energy, endurance, and confidence you need to get on with your day.
Try deep breathing exercises in the morning, at night, or any time you sense you're in a stressful situation.
2. Have a Good Morning
Set the tone with a good morning routine. When your alarm goes off, resist hitting the snooze button at all costs. As the days get shorter, the sun will rise later, so you may need a little extra push to get out of bed. Start your day off right with Rise and Shines Immune Support Gummies before your feet even hit the floor.
Then, follow it with a healthy breakfast and a cup of hemp flower coffee, which is specifically designed to deliver balanced energy without the jitters. Incorporate a workout into your morning routine and plan your day for maximum productivity. You've got this!
3. Move Your Body
Physical activity improves heart and mental health, giving you more endurance and focus throughout the day. It also releases endorphins, the body's natural hormones that help regulate our mood. By and large, the more we move, the better we feel! Even if it’s as simple as a walk around the block.
Whether you prefer running, yoga, an intense HIIT workout, or walking your dog, be sure to move your body for at least 30 minutes, and you'll feel better prepared to take on the day. Then soothe achy muscles with a warm bath, light stretching morning and night, and Green Roads Muscle and Joint Cream.
4. Practice Good Sleep Habits
Improve your sleep with a few good habits. Start by setting up good sleeping patterns. Do your best to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night. Going to sleep and waking up at relatively the same time each day can help regulate your body's circadian rhythm and melatonin levels, giving you a more restful sleep. If you're accustomed to a late bedtime, then it may take a little while for your internal clock to adjust. Get better rest with Green Roads Sleepy Zs Gummies or Sleep Capsules that combine melatonin with CBD.
Keep a relaxing evening routine, too. Take at least 30 minutes before bedtime to unplug and wind down. Screens can keep your mind wired, so avoid watching TV, answering texts, or checking your email one last time before you go to sleep. While you're detoxing from the day, sip on chamomile or honey lavender tea and a little Sweet Sleep Oil. Keep your room cool (around 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit), reduce light with blackout curtains, and minimize outside noise with a white noise machine to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Naptime shouldn't be just for kids. An afternoon nap can give you the oomph you need to finish the day strong, especially when you have less energy in winter! When you start to feel tired in the afternoon, close your eyes for 20 minutes. A 20-minute nap hits the lightest stage of non-REM sleep, which will put some pep back in your step — longer than that, and you'll likely wake up feeling groggy.
5. Get Outside
Fresh air and natural light work wonders to stave off winter fatigue. Even just opening a window and letting in natural light can help. Light is so beneficial that some people try light therapy to fight the winter blues.
Time in the sunshine also increases vitamin D levels. Vitamin D plays a role in increasing heart and bone health, strengthening the immune system, regulating hormones and blood sugar, and improving concentration, all of which play a role in how healthy and energized you feel.
6. Curb Stress
Cortisol is the body's primary stress hormone, and it plays a big part in how you function. It manages how your body uses the nutrients you consume (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins), increases blood sugar, regulates your circadian rhythm, and controls your body's reaction to stress. This means it's imperative to have healthy cortisol levels.
Stay calm and keep your cortisol low by developing habits to handle stress better. Luckily, many of those habits are the same for increasing energy, like exercising regularly and spending time outside. Try meditation, journaling, and deep breathing. A cup of tea and stress-relief products are helpful, too.
7. Clean Up Your Diet
When the weather gets cold, you probably gravitate toward more comforting foods, right? Hot baked bread, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, holiday sweets—you'll choose cozy carbs over the cold garden salad every time. Good news! Despite their bad rep, carbs are not all bad—they can be one of the greatest energy sources! Let's get science-y for a minute.
Our bodies get energy when certain nutrients are metabolized, a.k.a. broken down and absorbed. Carbohydrates are nutrients made up of energy-packed fiber and starch. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, potatoes, beans, and nuts are all excellent sources of fiber and starch.
However, there are carbs you want to avoid: simple carbohydrates. Simple carbs have been refined to the point that they don't offer much fiber or nutrients. Simple sugars are no good, too (a.k.a. granulated sugar, glucose, fructose, sucrose, corn syrup, and fruit juice concentrate). Steer clear of things like processed foods, sodas, breakfast cereals, and baked goods loaded with simple sugars.
Other energy-rich nutrients are unsaturated fats (avocados, nuts, seeds, etc.) and proteins (fish, poultry, legumes, eggs, etc.). Be sure to include plenty of those in your balanced diet as well.
8. Try More Small Meals More Often
Most of us eat three meals a day, but a change in that routine could be a game-changer. Eating smaller, healthy meals more frequently could give you more energy more consistently throughout the day. Just be sure to reach for the carrot sticks instead of the potato chips.
Drink plenty of water, too. While you may think that soda is the pick-me-up you need, you'll likely crash after the initial rush of energy once it spikes your blood sugar. According to Web MD, sodas can lead to weight gain and sugar addiction, therefore it's best to stay hydrated with water and low-sugar options to keep your body functioning at its best.
Fighting off winter fatigue is easy with Green Roads. Turn to Green Roads Cordyceps mushrooms capsules for the energy and endurance you need to kick tiredness to the curb this winter. Find the perfect pick-me-up products your body requires by shopping online or visiting your nearest Green Roads retailer today!