As temperatures drop, you might find it harder to deal with stiff joints and muscle soreness. Maybe your exercise routine has moved from the warm outdoors to the air-conditioned gym. Or perhaps you're more sedentary in the winter months, and your body feels stiff from the decrease in activity level.
Whatever the case may be, you’re not the only one who experiences muscle aches in cold weather! Read on to learn why people tend to feel achier in winter and how things like hydration and heating CBD topicals can help soothe your muscles and joints in lower temperatures.
Remember, cold temperature can be tough on your immune system, too. Antioxidants, vitamins, and CBD may help support your immune system, so grab a Rise N’ Shine gummy to start a cold morning!
How to Reduce Joint and Muscle Stiffness in Cold Weather
Add Heat Relief CBD Topicals to Your Daily Regimen
Sometimes, you need to attack muscle soreness right at the source with Heat Relief CBD roll-ons from Green Roads. These blends of soothing CBD and heat action from capsaicin, (a compound found in peppers) deliver a warm, soothing experience that’s just perfect on a cold day.
Keep up your workout routine.
Ever heard of the SAID principle? Put simply; it states that your body gets really good at what you continually do. If you frequently work out and move your muscles and joints, your body gets good at supplying your muscles with adequate blood flow and energy. Alternatively, sitting continuously and then going straight to bed teaches your body to be more stiff and immobile.
Even if you have to move your workouts indoors, find a way to stay active as colder weather hits. You can also try incorporating techniques like using foam rollers to help yourself stay loose.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.
When it’s hot out, many people don’t need a reminder to drink water. But as it gets colder and you sweat less, it’s easy to forget about maintaining water intake. Water helps transport vital nutrients to your muscles, which keeps them flexible and functional.
Carry a water bottle everywhere you go to combat cold weather and muscle aches — your muscles will thank you! According to the Mayo Clinic, men should aim to drink at least 15.5 cups of fluids per day, while women should shoot for 11.5 cups or more.
Why Do My Muscles Ache in Cold Weather?
Many people have varying experiences with body aches in cold weather. And a few things — like barometric pressure and lower temperatures — can contribute to increased muscle and joint stiffness. Other factors that may lead to soreness and rigidity in your body include:
Increased Shivering
The systems in your body work hard to help maintain a consistent internal temperature, including your muscles. In cold weather, your muscles shiver to keep you warm, and this additional work can quickly lead to soreness. Your body is using energy to warm you up instead of your workout.
Less Joint Lubrication
Much like oil becomes more viscous and moves slowly in colder weather, the fluid in your joints doesn’t flow and move as freely as it might in warmer temperatures. When you combine decreased joint lubrication and increased muscle contractions, you’ll often experience noticeable stiffness in your body.
With all these internal changes (not to mention, shorter daylight hours and the winter blues), you may be tempted to slow down and adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, that only perpetuates stiffness and muscle aches in cold weather.
Take time for a warm-up before heading outside.
Going from a warm indoor space into the frigid outdoors can be jarring for your body. Before you spend time outside in cold weather, warm up your muscles and joints with gentle movements and easy stretches. And, as always, take time to bundle up appropriately to hold in the valuable heat your body generates when you go outside.
Cold stiff muscles have a new best friend this winter. Shop Green Roads CBD products locally or online today and experience relief from CBD topicals for yourself.