7 Ways to Prioritize Your Health this Summer
You give a little extra attention to your health during spring to help get your body ready for the summer.
But that doesn't mean you need to stop prioritizing your general wellness throughout the warmer months! Learn how to take care of your health in summer with these simple tips.
1. Listen to Your Body
It's easy to get caught in the thrill of summer fun and activities. But it's essential to pay close attention to your body's warning signs throughout the season. From excessive sun exposure and dehydration to heat strokes and heat exhaustion, the impacts of not recognizing your body's indicators for rest can lead to some pretty serious issues.
If you notice any of these symptoms of heat exhaustion, take a break, hydrate yourself, and rest in a nearby shaded area. However, if these issues persist or the symptoms grow more intense after taking a break, consider getting medical assistance right away.
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Dry mouth
- Increased heart rate or weak pulse
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Fainting
- Muscle Cramps
By implementing many of the following best practices in summer, you can protect yourself against heat-related illnesses and keep your family safe and healthy all year long.
2. Stay Hydrated
With warmer weather comes the potential for dehydration and heat-related health concerns. Dehydration can occur when water intake is less than water output or not drinking enough fluids to replace what your body loses. The climate, perspiration levels — especially in hot weather — and your overall diet can lead to dehydration.
During the summer, try to avoid excessive alcohol, caffeine, dairy, sugary drinks, and any other diuretics when possible since these beverages also tend to contribute to dehydration. Instead, try to substitute these items with plenty of water and natural fruit juices without added sugars.
By staying ahead of potential dehydration, you can help avoid dizziness, fatigue, constipation, and other potentially dangerous symptoms. One of the best tips to avoid heat exhaustion and dehydration during the warmer months, according to Hackensack Meridian Health, is to drink about two and a half liters of water per day.
3. Stay Mindful of What You Eat
Hydration doesn't just come from the beverages you drink. Paying special attention to the food you eat and seeking alternatives with a higher water content can also prove beneficial. During hot summer days, try to avoid fat and carb-heavy meal choices since these can cause your body to work overtime during the digestion process.
When your body begins exerting this extra effort, your internal temperatures may rise, contributing to overheating, increased perspiration, and fluid loss. Instead, stick to healthy food for the summer season by introducing more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet, as these tend to have higher water content.
4. Wear Sunscreen
During the warm summer months, protect your skin by prioritizing sunscreen. Put it on at least 20 minutes before leaving the house (for short errands and otherwise), and especially during peak heat hours (typically between 11 am and 2 pm). Not only will wearing sunscreen protect you from potential sunburns, but it can also combat the side effects that come with it, such as dizziness and fatigue.
However, choosing the right sunscreen is perhaps just as important than putting it on in the first place. But what SPF sunscreen should you use to exercise outside or to enjoy all of those fun, summer activities? Choose "broad spectrum" options that are SPF 30 at a minimum. According to Hopkins Medicine, it's best to reapply your sunscreen once every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating.
And at the end of a long, hot day, add Green Roads Skin Relief CBD cream into your daily routine as a way to help soothe and relax your skin after a long day in the heat. With its harmonious blend of lavender essential oils, avocado oil, Vitamin E, 210 mg of beneficial CBD, and more, you can support your skin when it gets red, dry, and itchy after a long day in the summer sun.
5. Stay Active
Excessive heat can make exercising in hot weather seem like the last thing you'd want to add to your to-do list. However, staying active in the summer months can help prevent excessive weight gain, improve cognition and mental health in the summer, boost sleep quality, reduce stress, and protect against health conditions like obesity, heart problems, and more.
Instead of falling for the temptation of staying indoors and out of the heat, try getting some exercise during the cooler hours of the day and limit prolonged sun exposure. Take brisk, early morning walks or jogs, hikes, or try swimming whenever possible.
But what about feeling run-down post-workout? Sore muscles can really put a damper on your efforts and leave you with less motivation than you started with. Incorporate CBD pain creams into your post-workout routine for backaches, muscles aches, and pains. You can also support your tired muscles or joints with cooling or heating CBD topicals.
6. Protect Yourself Against Mosquitos
Perhaps the most dreaded part of summer is the biting and stinging pests that seem to crop up around this time. Increased temperatures attract many insects, and they become more mobile throughout the summer months. Unfortunately, they also bring diseases, irritations, and allergic reactions along with them.
So how can you maintain your health when mosquitos are lurking about? The CDC recommends using EPA-registered insect repellents that contain ingredients like DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus to help get rid of and repel mosquitos.
7. Wear Light, Breathable Clothing
When the weather heats up, it's almost second nature to pull out shorter clothing options such as tank tops, dresses, and shorts. However, this instinctive habit of baring skin to the sun's rays may actually be counter-intuitive since excessive exposure can result in premature aging, liver spots, higher body temperatures, and more.
Instead, opt for lightweight, long-sleeved, breathable, and light-colored fabrics such as cotton, linen, and rayon. These options can protect your skin from absorbing the summer heat, allow for more air circulation, and help sweat evaporate quickly to keep you cooler for longer.
Are you looking for a general wellness boost this summer? Whether you're tending to post-workout muscle aches or focusing on reducing everyday stress, there's a Green Roads location near you with the products you need to live out your best summer yet.