Ways to Prepare Your Pet for the Fourth of July
The Fourth of July is filled with barbecues, fireworks, and all kinds of fun — but your beloved pet may not agree!
Unfortunately, there's a 30% increase in lost pets around July 4th.
However, there are things you can do to combat this. If the booming sounds of fireworks have your pet running for cover, then check out these simple tips to help prepare your furry friend for the holiday festivities.
Avoid Crowds
If you know that fireworks stress your pet out, the last thing you should do is take them with you to a crowded, noisy place that will amp up their anxiety. Even if it’s not in a crowded space, consider keeping your pets inside as much as possible, so they have the least amount of exposure to fireworks and other loud noises. Make sure to exercise and take them for a long walk before the festivities begin, so they don’t have to go outside for a while. A long walk also has the added benefit of letting them burn pent up energy, which is important for staying relaxed.
If for some reason you do have to take them out in a crowd, make sure they are microchipped or have tags with updated information as an added safety measure.
Create a "Safe Space"
Create a “safe space” in your home where your pet can go and escape when they start to feel anxious. Think about where they naturally go to chill out, and just enhance it in a few ways. A few weeks before the Fourth of July — and the noise that comes with it — start setting up the space so that they can create a positive association, get used to it, and know it’s there before the holiday.
All it takes is a dog bed or crate and any creature comforts that your dog uses to self-soothe (stuffed animal, rawhide, etc.). Make sure it’s at a comfortable temperature and stocked with water and food as necessary. Consider things like a white noise machine to block out the outside disturbances.
Turn on the TV/Stereo for "Good" Noise
Whether you create a “safe space” for them in a specific room or let them roam free, you can also help block out some of the stressful noise of fireworks by turning on (and up) the TV and/or stereo. Even a fan would work. The point is to block out the “bad” and include the “good.”
Incorporate CBD Products
Consider CBD pet products as both an everyday solution for calmness and well-being, as well as an added layer of stress-support when preparing your pet for the Fourth of July. Just as humans use CBD for various things like managing daily stress or promoting relaxation, CBD can do the same thing for your pets! Blends of hemp extracts and MCT oil help support general calm and wellness in your furry friend, and are easy for them to digest. Getting your pet on a daily CBD routine before the July 4th festivities is a great natural way to help keep your pet less stressed.
Keeping Pets Safe on the Fourth of July
While thousands of pets go missing each year around July 4th and 5th, many, many more experience stress on the day. Simple tips like keeping them in a “safe space”, turning on a TV for noise, and even using Green Roads CBD drops for pets scared of fireworks can help make all the difference! Shop CBD products for pets from Green Roads, your trusted source for quality CBD.