Stress can crop up when you least expect it, and you may not know how to manage your response to it. Green Roads can help.
Destress with Green Roads
Combating everyday stress starts with small steps, like taking walks and supporting a healthy stress response with Full Spectrum CBD Oil. Whatever your needs, Green Roads has a daily CBD product to make it easy to support everyday stress!
Adding CBD products like Green Roads Relax Capsules to your daily routine alongside your preferred relaxation technique can be a great way to wind down and balance feelings of stress. With a calmer mindset, you can contain negative self-talk, reframe internal dialogue with compassion, and truly begin to see the issues in your life with clarity.
From early mornings and misplaced items to navigating traffic and meeting deadlines — everyday situations can quickly snowball into feelings of anxiousness. Between work, school, parenting, trying not to get sick, people are busier than ever before, and all of these demands can layer overwhelming emotions on top of the tasks already at hand.
If stress becomes too frequent, both your physical and mental health may become affected, which is why managing stress is so important for your overall health. Remember, that physical stressors can have an impact on your state of mind, so manage and comfort those the best you can as well.
But let’s delve deeper into causes and solutions of stress.
One of the top causes of stress begins at work. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 40% of Americans regard their jobs as stressful.
A stressful work environment can lead to decreased work performance, increased frustration at home and work, and reduced initiative within your job role.
Such an environment impacts what goes on within your body, too. Work-related stress can contribute to heart palpitations, chronic headaches, anxiety, intestinal issues, and even depression.
Being a parent is not just about ensuring that the kids get to school on time.
Managing household duties, working to provide, meeting kids' emotional needs, and keeping up with hectic schedules are just a few of the demands that come with child-rearing.
And unfortunately, these stressors can breed tension over time.
According to the American Psychological Association, financial trouble is a common source of stress for Americans. More than 70% of Americans rank their finances as the most significant source of stress in their life.
Ballooning credit card debt, late mortgage payments, and difficulty providing for loved ones are all common triggers for financial stress.
If you find yourself avoiding mail or phone calls from creditors or constantly feel anxious about spending money, you may be experiencing financial stress.
Loved Ones
There are numerous causes of stress in personal relationships — from communication issues with your significant other to disagreements with friends or family.
These conflicts can breed stress and anxiety in day-to-day life even when you’re not directly involved. And unfortunately, the signs of stress related to personal relationships are similar to general stress symptoms.
How to Deal with Everyday Stress
How to Deal with Everyday Stress
Find the Root of the Issue
Although stress is something that everyone experiences, triggers for the emotion may differ from person to person. What's important is identifying those things that bring about your stress response and getting to the root of the issue. When you determine that the anxiousness you feel during traffic jams, for example, has more to do with potential tardiness rather than the actual drive, you can take steps toward addressing the real problem.
One way to find the source of your stress is by making a list of scenarios that bring you anxiety. Is it confrontation? Meeting deadlines at work? Write out each moment of stress you feel throughout the day and in the evening, analyze the source of your stress response for each scenario. Dig deep! You'll likely notice that some of your stressors originate from within. And luckily, those are the ones you can actively do something about.
Set Goals (and Meet Them)
As Positive Psychology notes, goal setting has numerous benefits, including triggering new behaviors, aligning your focus, and providing an increased sense of self-mastery when those goals are met. There are many stressors that can benefit from a little extra preparation. And when you set a game plan in motion, some of those anxiety-inducing scenarios may start to seem like less of a burden.
Start a planner and treat it like gold. In this calendar, you'll want to break up big tasks into bite-sized to-do items — don’t be afraid to delegate! Setting these intermediary goals can help you balance your daily responsibilities and improve your stress management skills.
At the end of each day, focus on what you have accomplished. Not what you haven't. By giving it your all and completing little to-do's first, you can walk away from each day with calm and a strong sense of accomplishment.
Say "No" More Often
Many people overcommit or take on new tasks to avoid disappointing others, and because of this, they end up having little to no time for themselves. When you're racing the clock to complete one thing after another, stress naturally begins to manifest.
Try addressing this tendency of saying "yes" when it's beyond your bandwidth to better maintain your boundaries and peace of mind. Before taking on a new responsibility, truly consider whether or not it works for you or your schedule.
Begin a Fitness Regimen
Another great way to build a healthier stress response is by introducing regular exercise into your daily regimen. Exercising can help to reduce stress and help your body to remain proactive against it.
Getting active for at least 20 to 30 minutes a day can positively impact both your physical and mental health and help you feel more calm, focused, and energized.
Practice Relaxation Techniques
Often, when in the thick of a particular issue, the weight of a problem can feel bigger than it actually is. But by practicing relaxation techniques, like rhythmic breathing, mindfulness, meditation, or going on nature walks, you can become more in-tune with the way you think about stressors. And of course, you can find the CBD solutions you need at a Green Roads retailer near you, or shop online today!